If elected, Cara is committed to being a voice for all North Dakotans:

  1. Protect Social Security, Medicare, and Veteran’s Benefits;
  2. Combat inflation by reducing reckless government spending and enacting policies that aid businesses in overcoming the current workforce shortage;
  3. Secure our southern and northern border to reduce the amount of crime, fentanyl, and other illegal drugs that are coming into our state and local communities;
  4. Uphold democracy by seeking the facts, promoting the truth, and ensuring that no one, including past and present government officials, is above the law;
  5. Serve as a voice for North Dakota farmers and ranchers by passing the Farm Bill;
  6. Fight for reduced government regulation and promote North Dakota’s and America’s energy independence;
  7. Advocate for limited government and your right to privacy by ensuring that the government cannot dictate what happens in your bedroom or at your doctor’s appointments.

Q&A with Cara

Bismarck Tribune: Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. Since then, there’s been talk of setting some kind of new federal policy. Where do you stand on the idea of some form of federal abortion ban?

Mund: As an advocate for limited government, women’s health care should never be in the hands of the federal government. North Dakota does not have a clinic that performs elective abortions; this truly is an issue of women’s reproductive health care, especially as the conversation is now turning to the accessibility of in vitro fertilization. I am the only Republican in this race that supports women’s health care and equal rights. I am in this race to support health care for your sisters, daughters, granddaughters, etc. North Dakota doctors are leaving our state in fear of the strict restrictions being placed on their ability to care for their patients. I do not believe the government should be in your bedroom or in a woman’s doctor’s appointment. If this is going to be a state right, any candidate who also wants a federal ban does not support the core values of our party — limited government.

Bismarck Tribune: What actions do you think Congress should take in regards to aid for Ukraine? What are your thoughts on its decisions on the matter over the past year?

Mund: I applaud House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., for agreeing to bring foreign aid bills to the floor for a vote when it could have cost him his job as speaker. It is unfortunate our own representative did not support the Republican House speaker. I agree with Congress’ actions in supporting aid for Ukraine as it provides crucial military assistance. We either assist Ukraine in their fight or we prepare for our own war with Russia; our national security is dependent upon our ability to stop Russia now. For the future, I support alternative means of funding, such as foreign aid loans, but I also recognize that 80% of the recently passed aid will be spent in the U.S. or by the U.S. military. History will remember this moment as one where we stepped up.

Bismarck Tribune: Is there a certain legal, moral or ethical line that would make you view former President Donald Trump ineligible or unfit for the presidency? If so, why is that your boundary and if not, why not?

Mund: I am committed to upholding our party’s core values of law and order. I firmly believe that no one is above the law. If Donald Trump is elected in November, I will work with him, but I will not worship him. I am the only Republican who will put the needs of North Dakotans first.

Bismarck Tribune: Where do you stand on eminent domain and what are your thoughts on its impact on North Dakota residents with regards to the creation of pipelines?

Mund: I stand with our North Dakota landowners and do not think a private company should be able to exercise eminent domain for profit. I am extremely concerned that my opponent Julie Fedorchak, an elected official on the PSC (Public Service Commission), is personally benefiting from the creation of the CO2 pipeline. No elected official should ever utilize their elected position for personal financial gain.

Bismarck Tribune: What specific border security policies would you back if elected? What immigration policy changes do you want to see implemented?

Mund: Our southern border is in a state of crisis. I would have supported the recent bipartisan border security and foreign aid package negotiated by Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla. The opportunity for Republicans to pass a border security bill such as this under a Democrat president would have been a major win for Republicans as it would have allowed us to secure our borders and combat issues such as the increased trafficking of fentanyl into our state and local communities. Unfortunately, the current Congress, as well as all of my opponents, care more about doing what Donald Trump says than protecting our communities. If elected, I will work to solve, not delay, the complex problems facing our state.

Bismarck Tribune: If elected, you’re heading into a gridlocked Congress and a Republican Party in the House that’s seen a handful of members have the capacity to effectively try and hold the chamber hostage. What would your approach be to navigating this political landscape, and how would you provide results for North Dakotans?

Mund: I have already been on the national stage. As a member of Congress, I will make North Dakota proud. I will not be part of the current infighting within the party. I will represent North Dakota with common sense, transparency and accountability. Unlike my opponents who have stated that they want to cause chaos in Washington, force government shutdowns and who have proven that despite a clear conflict of interest, they have no issue personally benefiting themselves, I will navigate the current landscape just like I do as a lawyer: a strategic negotiator and a zealous advocate who always puts the needs of North Dakotans first.

Bismarck Tribune: As a first-term lawmaker from a small state, how would you make an impact in the chamber?

Mund: I am the only moderate Republican in this race. I am also the only lawyer in this race. Just like how I advocate for my clients, I will advocate for North Dakotans. As someone who is willing to negotiate and work across the aisle, my voice will have a much larger impact than just being one of 435. Although I will work to uphold our conservative values, North Dakota will finally be seen as a deciding vote, one that truly matters, not just a puppet doing what they are told. My profession has trained me for the job; the people of North Dakota have made me passionate about it.